Matthew Sermon Series #1

Matthew Sermon Series #1
Created on Studio J

Friday, April 30, 2010


It seems like everyday there is something new that I discover about myself, my world, my faith and everything in between. I began a more in depth discovery about love after a discussion with Nathan. I was not showing him the love he needed but in all honesty I thought I was. I had already briefly looked at the Five Love Languages book so I was familar with the concept so at that point I knew it was time to really delve into it further and figure out how to show my love not just to Nathan but everyone in my life. I ended up finding, I believe is the latest book by Gary Chapman called God Speaks Your Love Language. I have read through it once and am now going back and going through it again, highligthing, taking notes and answering the questions at the end of each chapter. So the first thing I had to figure out is what is my predominant love language. There are five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Quality Time, Gifts and Physical Touch. I was a bit confused at first as I read through each one and it's examples and stories. I found myself thinking I was all of them. Of course, we are all of them but there is one that will be your predominant love language that you speak to others and it's the same language that you recieve the best. As Gary Chapman puts it, when you receive love in your love language your gas tank gets filled up. So, my mind let all of this simmer for a while and gradually it started coming to me all the different ways that I really feel the love the most and they all end up being Words of Affirmation. I am not a big talker and my communication skills are really NOT the best but Gary says there are many dialects in each love language so I am discovering my dialect is in writing and reading words. I feel more loved when it's put into writing and I give more love via the same mode. So, here I am... Starting this blog... About my journey with love and everything else that comes my way down the course of my life. I hope that it will help others, give insight to my family and friends about me and just be a way to express my love. I will be here most everyday so I hope you will come often and share my journey.