Matthew Sermon Series #1

Matthew Sermon Series #1
Created on Studio J

Monday, May 30, 2011

Jesus Loves the Little Children

We have been having a serious of sermons at church recently on Jesus and Children. He wants us to have faith like a child. There have been three points that have come up within these sermons that are the most important to remember and grow with. First, we have to trust like a child trusts. A child will just trust. They are dependent on their parents and so to we need to be dependent on God and trust fully in Him. The second point is that we need to live in the present like a child does. Children don't fret about the past or worry about the future. Those things tend to come with more age and responsiblity but we have to learn to not be always focused on the past or the future but looking at what is happening and what we have today. The third point is how well a child receives love. They don't over anaylzye it, evaluate it or question it. They just except the love given to them. Adults have a harder time with this as we have put up barriers because of past experiences, our personality, etc. We have to continually be praying to our Father and opening our hearts to receive his love. Don't let the things of this world lead you away from the One who loves you without failing and will love you always no matter what. I really loved the visual that the paster gave in the sermon yesterday with this statement, "All is well when we're holding the Master's hand". We are God's children and we need to be like children and reaching for his hand to hold as we walk along through our journey in life.