Matthew Sermon Series #1

Matthew Sermon Series #1
Created on Studio J

Sunday, May 9, 2010

How God is portrayed on TV

My book reading has been very slow the last several days. Just a lot going on with the kids and stuff but one thing that has stayed with me that Gary Chapman said in his book is we should treat everyone like they are our friends. It makes sense because we seem to treat our friends the best and give our close family the brunt of our frustrations, anger, etc. The next two keys of giving authentic love are forgiveness and courtesy. Both of these seem to be more natural for me and not as much conscious effort needed to be that way. Okay, so let me get onto what I really want to talk about. I watched a show the other day on TV and was so frustrated and angry with how they portrayed God. In the show a lady was suddenly very happy after years of therapy that did not good and she said it was because she found God. It turns out she has a brain tumor and initially decides against doing the surgery because she would rather live out whatever days she will have left happy but the doctor who does not believe in God convinces her to do the surgery. One of the things she says is that any God that would allow you to go through this horrible kind of death is not a loving God or something to that effect. Well, that just ticked me off! Unfortunately, if you have never studied the bible and listened to sermons at church you really don't know what God is all about. He certainly isn't an unloving God that would just allow you to die of a brain tumor. I believe many people feel that God doesn't love them because he these bad things happen to people but the truth is God made us in his image because he wanted to love us not. If you think about it this way, a human father can love his dog but the love he has for his daughter is that much greater because she is a part of him. So that how it is for God. We are his children and we are a part of him. But when Adam and Eve committed that first sin, what they were doing was saying to God I don't need you, I can do this on my own. But God knew before it even happened what we would do because he made us this way. So, now we live in a world with sin instead of the perfect world in the garden of eden that God initially created for us. Yes, bad things happen in this world and people die horrible deaths or live with pain or heartache but it is the world we created not God. If we all acknowledged our need for him and his love, our garden of eden would be here. God loves us so much that he gave his only son and watched him die a horrible death on the cross so that our sins could be atoned for. Believing in Jesus is God's way of bringing us back to him. When we believe the slate of sin is wiped clean and we are once again right with God. Anyways, I could go on and on but I have to get ready for church and go give thanks to my God and my Savior for loving me and caring enough about me to get me to turn and look at who they are. I am forever grateful not matter the turmoil in my life it took me to get there. God can change who you are! Don't fall into the trap that TV sets up. Look at the bible for yourself and find the truth.

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